This is me visiting my on site director's house in Novi Sad. She has a picture of all the volunteers in Serbia.
My awesome on-site director Ceca and me. She often gives me a lot of delicious food for our weekly meeting.
My little host brothers really enjoy my company. Dusan (left) is 4 years old and Nikola (right) is 7. What I enjoy the most is when they speak in Serbian to me, often unaware of the fact that I'm nowhere near fluent in the language.
One of my lazy sunday afternoons. I really like the garden and the swing.
Another picture of my homestay. This highlights the fact that I deeply enjoy the outdoors.
Meda and me. I do admit he is a little scary, but more often than not I feel safe around him.
I was lucky that this was not a motor-vehicle or else I would have been in trouble with my on-site director.
Besides playing in the garden, I also like helping my host mom. Sandra is always really nice to me and makes some tremendously tasty food.
Some bonding time with Ivan, my host dad. He is fond of making me sandwiches and telling me all about american movies about which I do not know anything.
Meet "Monkey," one of my many friends in Serbia. He was paying me a lovely visit. We enjoyed ourselves drinking tea and feasting on Sandra's flavorful pies.